Meet your Smart & Passionate Team

Our team speaks your language when it comes to financial planning.

Our journey started in 2001 in the depths of the dot-com financial implosion. We learned early on by teaching people the power of saving tax-free money and the compounding effect of automatic monthly saving. After listening to and completing many client reviews and weekly seminars, we realized our massive impact by teaching people these concepts about their money.

The concept of Living Your Wealth came from our experience of working with tech professionals in particular. They worked long hours in the lab or on the road. The main questions asked were, “how much is enough” or “when will I reach financial security.” Once answered and achieved, we want our clients to stop dreaming and start doing the things they love and Live Their Wealth.

As simple as it sounds, our beginnings led us to work with some extraordinarily busy, intelligent people who put their trust in professional advice and delegation (and they tend to work in tech or are retired/retiring very soon ). David and his team’s sole mission is to empower people to live their wealth.

At Living Your Wealth, we are a team-oriented firm, collectively keeping your best interest in mind as you navigate your financial decisions and life’s important moments. When you work with us, you gain access to an entire team, not just one person.

Financial Planning for Tech Professionals in Denver and Beyond

Living Your Wealth works exclusively with Tech professionals with Denver Tech Center and Golden, Colorado offices. Our reach is national: we partner with professionals across the country in over twenty states and growing. Unfortunately, investors tend to prioritize the financial advisor near me search when looking for a wealth manager.

Technology (our favorite topic) makes it easy to meet face-to-face, even if we are in different places. When looking for a fiduciary financial advisor who understands you, consider prioritizing the right fit over an office location near you. After all, if you move or your advisor does, you probably will not want to start over with a new firm.

We live and breathe by our core values:

To Serve Others

Create Value

A Thirst For Learning

Seek Wisdom

Meet the Team


Founder and Advisor


Director of Team + Client Success

Brooke Martinez

Financial Planner

Heather Palumbo

Director of Portfolio & Investment Research

Mike Akins

Chief Operations Officer

Julie Gaffney

Chief Financial Officer

Lisa White

Compliance Administrator

Alex Ortiz

Director of Technology and Security

Hope Hoover

Director of Marketing

David C. Connelly,

Connect With Me On LinkedIn

We help Tech Professionals working at Startups and Mid/Large Companies, plan for retirement | Creator of the 20-Minute Financial Checkup | | Veteran | Tech Geek |

The University of Texas at Austin


David C. Connelly,


Connect With Me On LinkedIn

We help Tech Professionals working at Startups and Mid/Large Companies, plan for retirement | Creator of the 20-Minute Financial Checkup | | Veteran | Tech Geek |

The University of Texas at Austin